Mysterious energy in Bucegi

Mysterious energy in Bucegi

Stories of several townspeople Logs showed that, indeed, in this place, legend and paranormal, meaning by this word those phenomena that we perceive, but we can not explain, shake hands with the surrounding reality.

They said the following: "As night was not considered by climbers. I think there are paranormal phenomena. I heard there is a deposit Dacian an unknown tunnel, near Caraiman - Omu."

"I know there is a stream in the Omu bilologică scratch. Years ago I found there some Hungarians in Hungary, who said they came specifically to recharge energy. So they knew something. In knowing that the crest Omu - Gavan - Ladies there is a particular energy range, of unknown nature.

Up, where he mounted the cross Caraiman, manufacturers have found there made platform. It was like a runway, made possible aliens.

"We saw several nights on the mountain top, lights. Once, when I reached the top with some friends, I was dead tired, but after ten minutes were all invigorated as if urcasem not up there.

Soldiers from the relay Costila studying many years with special equipment, an unknown energy, which flows from our connection with the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, but also one in South America."

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