Paranormal in Bucegi

The Sun’s Pyramid Miracle in Bucegi

The Sun’s Pyramid Miracle in Bucegi

Few people, the chosen ones, know about the existance of a single day every year when above the Sphinx on the Bucegi Plateau, at sunset, the gentle rays of sun surround the strange face carved in the stone and go down to the ancient statue’s base forming a magical piramid…

There is only one day each year, a holy day, when the sun lowers his gentle rays, on steps, covering the Sphinx that guards the mighty Bucegi, into a magical piramid… In the day of 28th november of each year, on the Bucegi Plateau, meet chosen people from around the world… read more

Aliens in Time Tunnel in Bucegi

Aliens in Time Tunnel in Bucegi

The Lodge Babele(2200 m) descend to the west, crossing several gullies and after 10-15 min we get over a rocky area, where the right path creep through a small lane and „Piciorul Babelor”, along which crosses a stones and soon reach a broad saddle.

Exactly after 15 minutes inside the rocky area, where do 10 steps to the left, away from our path, we will find a small hole on top, guarded by some strange signs without meaning, and then expands, according to a famous professor at the Sorbonne University but received threats of fear and not give his name, just sending us a coded message... read more

Beyond time

Beyond time in Bucegi

Certainly, many of you, from hiking in the Bucegi designed to reveal the secrets you, taking your starting point Busteni mountain resort, you have not thought for a moment that, beyond beauty, relaxation and health, city of Caraiman foot hides countless riddles, being a true gateway to the world that only you suspect... read more

Mysterious lights

Mysterious lights in Bucegi

A few years ago, in a nopate, and Deer Valley have seen a series of strange lights, on the south-eastern Caraimanului. Given existing conditions, night, sometimes fog, wind and even rain, but where they occurred at mid-vertical wall in different positions, the idea was ruled out of climbers ascending... read more

Mysterious energy

Mysterious energy in Bucegi

Stories of several townspeople Logs showed that, indeed, in this place, legend and paranormal, meaning by this word those phenomena that we perceive, but we can not explain, shake hands with the surrounding reality. They said the following: "As night was not considered by climbers. I think there are paranormal phenomena. I heard there is a deposit Dacian... read more

Novel confirmations

Novel confirmations in Bucegi

There are arguments supporting the idea that Hawaii is a gateway to the unseen world of Bucegi. A lady from Bucharest, designed by profession, receives some 12 years of secret communication, in an alphabet known on Earth. The lady was with a group of radiestezişti the Bucegi Plateau, where he conducted a series of measurements... read more

Stereograma 3D

Paranormal in Bucegi


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T. O. Y. O. Together Open Youth Opportunities Education, Fraternity, Peace

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